

Fun Serai: Our company name is derived from two distinct sources, each with its unique meaning and significance. The first part, ‘fun’, is a word borrowed from the Urdu language, which means ‘craft’.
The second part of our company name, ‘serai’, has its roots in Turkish and is also used in Farsi and Urdu. It translates to ‘my home is my palace’.


Our vision is to transcend the ordinary and to inspire greatness in each photograph, each frame, and each scene


To provide art lovers with the ideal space to manifest their dreams and bring their creative concepts to life.


Beyond the entrepreneurial aspect, Babar Khan is renowned for their profound appreciation of art in all its forms. Their keen eye for aesthetics, coupled with an unyielding commitment to quality, shapes the very essence of Funserai, ensuring it remains a hub where imagination flourishes and visions come to life.

At Funserai, Babar Khan strives to create an environment where artistic expression thrives, embracing the fusion of business acumen and a profound love for the arts. Their leadership exemplifies a dedication to empowering photographers and artists to transform moments into timeless works of art.


Discover the legacy of our space 


We take pride in our professional approach, ensuring that your rental experience is efficient and hassle-free.

Full-Service Support

We provide comprehensive support services, from location scouting to equipment rentals, to ensure a seamless experience.

Diverse Locations

Our portfolio includes a wide range of indoor and outdoor locations, each with a unique character and style.


Our locations can be tailored to meet the specific requirements of your project, making them suitable for a range of creative endeavors.

Quality Assurance

We maintain our locations to the highest standards, ensuring they are camera-ready and aesthetically pleasing.

Idyllic Rural Charm

Nestled in the heart of picturesque citywide, our farmhouse exudes rural charm and authenticity. The tranquil ambiance and natural beauty provide an unparalleled setting for your creative endeavors.

Authentic Architecture

The farmhouse itself is a testament to timeless architecture, adding character and depth to your projects. Its well-preserved features offer an abundance of creative possibilities.

Privacy and Exclusivity

We understand the importance of a private and exclusive shooting experience. Our location ensures that your team can work in seclusion, free from distractions.



The ambiance at Funserai is simply unparalleled. The authenticity and charm of this location are a gift to any artist or creator. A dreamy place for any project!

The ambiance at Funserai is simply unparalleled. The authenticity and charm of this location are a gift to any artist or creator. A dreamy place for any project!